Several years ago, some people with Agape Spain bought a cottage in the village of Ligonde, which lays astride the Camino. (I'll refer to the pilgimage route as "The Camino," which means the path, or the street. This is how it is commonly referred to in

Depending on the year, thousands of people a day may pass by. Often they are thirsty and hungry, so Agape Spain arranges for people from Agape, as well as churches, to live at the cottage for week long periods and minister to the people who pass by. They offer free water and coffee, and a meal if one arrives at the right time. If a pilgrim arrives early enough in the day, they can sleep at the cottage for free. And the beds and linens are clean and bug-free -- which is not always the case at other places pilgrims sleep!
And, of course, they are available to talk about spiritual things with those who have questions, or are in some way seeking spiritual reality. Many people are interested in knowing more about God -- indeed, even those who begin the trip as an adventure often find their thoughts turning to God.

This week I'll be talking to Rex and Gema Wynn, who are staffing the cottage, and telling you about some of their experiences. Meanwhile, I'm posting some pictures of the cottage, which they call "El Fuente del Peregrino." (The Pilgrim's Fountain).
You can see a Spanish team staffing the cottage, then another photo of a couple of pilgrims (OK, the one on the left is my daughter), and some cows I met along the trail.
great pics ;)