Our new brother, Nick (AKA Kolya or Nikolai), was on British Camp with us and was there last year as well. Last year he was one of the biggest skeptics, had re

After our penultimate event - a 'feast' where Pete gave a short invitation to The Feast - Nick stayed on late and (forgive the lack of detail, I wasn't there) emerged from a side room with a couple of our team having accepted Christ! I hear he had a hearty welcome into the family from the girls living in the flat!
Hopefully - please pray for this - they'll have adequate follow-up; one of our key Russian workers, Andrey, organised a Bible study on our last morning and he's very good at keeping contact up.
The Way that Jesus did Things
So, now we're home and reflecting on the last four weeks, and the biggest thought that sticks with me is community. We had such a great atmosphere of friendship with the Russian students. It got to a point where we were taking Russian non-believ

I feel that this is the way Jesus did things too - after all, his disciples didn't fully believe until after his resurrection, and yet he hung out with them until then, teaching and sharing with them, and getting them involved with his ministry. People were drawn to him, and were changed through the fellowship they had with him. Our prayer was that the students would be drawn to Jesus in us, rather than to our usefulness as English teachers!).
--- Laura
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